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Music Exercise: Quiz on Lesson Material
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Key Signature Exercise: All Clefs
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this is here so exerciseLoaderTwo works on both Quiz and SDEx
In the 'Note Values' video, we compared note values to divisions of an apple pie. If we take the duration of 1 quarter note and divide it in half, we get 2 eighth notes. When eighth notes come in a pair, they are often represented together using a beam. When not connected, each eighth note is indicated with a flag. In common time, the quarter note gets 1 beat. This means that each date note gets a half of a beat. Put together, they combine for a total duration of 1 beat.
To count sing eighth notes, sing the first eighth note on the count and sing 'and' for the second eighth note. You can write this with a plus sign. This example demonstrates a pair of eighth notes on both beat 1 and beat 3. Sing '1 and 2, 3 and 4'.
On a timeline, eighth notes are half the duration of a quarter note. As was the case in the 'Note Values' video, it is helpful to know various duration equivalents. These types of relationships will appear on the quiz following this video.
Rests are indications to be silent for a duration. Rests have the same values as notes and look like this. It is easy to confuse the half rest and the whole rest since they are the same image flipped upside down. To tell them apart, you can think of this: A half rest looks like a hat, and a whole rest looks like a hole. In this image, notes and rests of the same value are side by side. Recognition of notes and rests is necessary for material on the quiz following this video.
Here's a sample question: Which of the following has a duration of 2 beats in common time? The correct answer is 'b', a half note. You may now test your comprehension of this material by taking the quiz for this video.