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Music Exercise: Identifying Note Letter Names II

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Key Signatures II

a how-to users guide

Musical Terms

  • sharp
  • flat
  • natural
major scale
key signature

This is a key signature. It indicates accidentals to be placed on the notes that follow. From a key signature, you can determine which note is DO.


on the staff

Accidentals were introduced in the keyboard lesson. Flats lower the note a half step, and sharps raise the note a half step. Review the keyboard lesson if this is not familiar.

Click on the keys
for the notes above

positioning the accidental

When an accidental is on a note, the accidental is placed just to the left of the note head. When an accidental is on a letter, it is placed to the right of the letter, like one would say it ‘G sharp’.

positioning the accidental

To line up accidentals vertically on the staff, place the center of the accidental exactly on the line or space intended. The center of each is marked with a dot: for the sharp, think of it as the center of the tic-tac-do box. For the flat, think of it as the center of the rounded enclosed part.

Key Signatures

indicate which accidentals to place on the notes

In this example, the key signature has one sharp. The center of the sharp is on the note F, so all Fs are played F#.

All octaves receive the accidentals
indicated in the key signatures

the lower F also becomes F#

more examples

Given this key signature, what key would you play on the keyboard?
There is no F in the key signature. Click hint 1 to see that the highest flat is on E.
middle C
Click on the keys for the notes above. Get hints with the bottons.

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