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Scale Degree System

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Music Exercise: Identifying Key Signatures

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Key Signature Exercise: All Clefs
goal: in a row: and ave sec/prob
your: in a row: and ave sec/prob
goals 5 correct, each under sec/prob
examples remaining : examples completed : 0

ID the key:

correct Answer For John test

TF var to hide in exerciseLoader.js near line 1

Key Signatures III

Identifying DO-
Tonic of the Major Key

Why do THOSE notes have accidentals on them?

When the accidentals in the key signatures are placed on the notes, and the notes are lined up in a row starting on the tonic, they form a major scale. The tonic is DO- it is the first note of the scale, and 'home base' for the key.

Key Signatures show the accidentals used in the major scale

For Example, this key signature directs the performer to play all Fs as F# and all Cs as C#. Lining up all pitches in a row starting and ending on D makes a major scale. This is the key signature for D Major, represented by DM.

Key Signatures and the steps of the scale

To understand how the scale is affected by these accidentals, recall the layout of steps in DO RE MI FA SOL, presented in the keyboard lesson on whole and half steps. Click to show the construction of the entire scale.
In the previous example, the DM scale requires F# and C# in order for the steps to form a major scale.

Finding DO from the Key Signature

From the key signature, there are ways to identify tonic, (DO). A more thorough explanation of keys based on the construction of the major scale is presented in the lesson entitled “The Circle of Fifths.” Practicing key signature identification is needed for your sightreading development, and will also help you understand the theoretical explanation.

Key Signature with no accidentals is C.

First, determine if the key signature has sharps or flats. If the key signature has no accidentals then it is CM.

finding DO : sharp keys

The last sharp is always TI. Go up one letter name to find DO.

click the button to play a step by step guide.

finding DO : flat keys

The second to last flat is always DO.
(The last flat is always FA.)

click the button to play a step by step guide.

Special Cases: Flats

When there are only two flats, the second to last flat is also the first flat. This is Bb major.

When there is only one flat, their is no second to last flat! Since this only happens for one key signature, it is valuable to memorize that this is F major. You might also determine DO by counting back from FA for the given flat, since it is the last flat.

finding DO : summary


the last sharp is TI,
one note higher is DO


Second to last flat = DO

Special Cases


While instrumentalists must understand key signatures and accidentals very early in their training, it is not as urgent for vocalists. Instrumentalists have keys, valves, strings, and hand positions that must change to play notes modified by accidentals. Vocalists learning to read music do not have the same concrete application of accientals as their instrumental collegues. As a result, their understanding is often less thorough, causing them to face a compounded challenge when comprehending chormatic notes- accidentals placed on notes to modify those given in the key signature. (This will be explained in the lesson on chormaticism in diatonic music.) Learning basic keyboard skills, such as finding notes on the keyboard and playing the first 5 notes of major scales, will prove extremely helpful as you tackle harder material in future lessons.

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