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voice part


Scale Degree System

computer keyboard is available to enter letter names. Midi-keyboard can be used when on-screen keyboard is a choice.

Input Tool:

computer keyboard is available to enter letter names. Midi-keyboard can be used when on-screen keyboard is a choice.

if working, box will light when keyboard keys are pressed.
Exercises demonstrating mastery over letter name recogition do not allow keyboard entry.
none found
work to increase speed/accuracy with the same examples repeated often.
As you improve, new examples will be introduced.
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You've spent two minutes on this problem, and the goal for this benchmark is to spend much less time per problem. Try working faster. If you need more backgroaund information view the lesson on this material.

Music Exercise: Identifying Key Signatures

benchmark info about this exercise will be loaded

Key Signature Exercise: All Clefs
goal: in a row: and ave sec/prob
your: in a row: and ave sec/prob
goals 5 correct, each under sec/prob
examples remaining : examples completed : 0

ID the key:

correct Answer For John test

TF var to hide in exerciseLoader.js near line 1

Key Signatures IV

recognizing by shape

finding DO : review


the last sharp is TI,
one note higher is DO


Second to last flat = DO

Special Cases

recognizing key signature shapes

You can always use the above rules to find DO. As you become more familiar with key signatures, you will start to recognize them by shape, and can use the above rules as a quick check. These shapes are presented below in treble clef, but they transfer similarly if not exactly to the other clefs as well.

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